Room Parent Responsibilities

Room Parent Responsibilities: 

  • Create classroom email contact list and share with teacher (data made available from PTA website directory & Room Parent Lead)
  • Plan crafts/activities for parties, recruit volunteers, request donations for snacks and drinks and attend party

*Room parents will be reimbursed by the PTA for up to $50 per year per class for expenses

  • Work with teacher/staff to be up to date on any classroom allergies or dietary restrictions
  • Help recruit volunteers for general classroom help or for activities such as field trips, Field Day or other teacher or PTA requests (such as Emergency Preparedness)
  • Occasionally communicate PTA or school information to class via email
  • Staff Appreciation Week: communicate information to class from the PTA Staff Appreciation Committee and assist committee with various tasks that week (such as making a bouquet on flower day)
  • Optional: organize a birthday, holiday and/or end-of-year gift for teacher

Additional Responsibilities:

5th Grade Room Parents:

  • recruit parents for Camp Cedar Springs (when allowed)
  • Plan 5th grade moving up events