Legislative Survey, please provide your important input! - Survey closes at midnight, Friday, 10/5/2018

Your voice matters! Please take a few moments to share what’s important to you and your family by taking our online survey to help your PTA delegates vote on the TOP 5 issues that are most important to your school. The issues supporting the “Health, Education & Welfare” of our students cover a wide spectrum of legislative policies from school meals and closing to the gaps to preschool, recess, SEL, teacher shortages, gun safety and more. Take the survey to find out what’s on the proposed agenda and share your priorities with your PTA.

Take the survey: www.esurveyspro.com/Survey.aspx?id=f9b7c938-406a-4c06-ba71-ca3815a50562

Survey closes at midnight, Friday, 10/5/2018.